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Fart away! is the story of five pigs who want to reach the Disco Club at Porkland's penthouse. They've eaten a toxic mixture of beans, milk and avocado. Stay away from the farter if you want to live.
This game was made for the 5 Buttons competition on the Experimental Gameplay Project. It was shown on February 17th 2012, in the Stattbad Gallery in Berlin, Germany, in an empty pool with a giant screen.
The game was designed to run on 02L > Outside Standing Level’s Unita Zero platform, an audio/visual playground made up of 5 pressure pads hooked up to a projector and audio system. We made a web version that lets you play with your keyboard (keys: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), although obviously it´s not the same. Stattbad Gallery Stattbad Gallery Stattbad Gallery Stattbad Gallery Stattbad Gallery